Monday, November 3, 2014

Date-a-Paloza From The 40 Year Old Virgin

Even in speed dating there are nightmares.  


For the men who struggle with dating, author George Reagan has great news. 

You are not alone. 50% of all single men have not been on a date in the last two years. Other men date occasionally, but never enjoy the success they crave. Still others are newly divorced and have re-entered the intimidating world of being single for the first time since the advent of internet dating.
The truth is there are a lot of lonely men out there

Masterdate: the handy guide to internet dating for guys, is George Reagan's personal story of how he overcame a myriad of obstacles to enjoy marvelous success with dating. Using internet dating as his primary platform, he dated over 150 women in a four year span.  
The author now invites men everywhere to join him in exploring and learning the unique concepts that enable men to relate to women, including: 

- learning the lingua franca that is essential to effective communication with women. 

- Does size really matter? Here are the times it matters the most. 

- Knowing the perfect timing for that crucial first kiss. 

- Unique dating advice from Albert Einstein and Han Solo! 

- How I created my online dating profile that some women called the best they have ever read

Masterdate: the handy guide to internet dating for guys will be released on December 1, 2014.
A preview can be accessed here:

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