Don't you just love the image for Cialis with the couple holding hands will in two different bathtubs. Really if the Cialis was working wouldn't they both be in the same bathtub? By the way who has to bathtubs that sit side by side anyway? Does anyone else find this a bit crazy. Plus if you really want to get the blood flowing down there then eat right, exercise and pick up a Sexy Challenge that will get things moving in the right direction.
Here is a great Sexy Challenge no pills need, sorry Cialis

Sexy Challenges are designed to make your sex life much better. When you and your partner agree to purchase a sexy challenge you are both laying the ground work to not only improve your sex life but your relationship, also. Each challenge will get you talking and building lasting memories for years to come. Sexy Challenges give you options and can be changed to fit any sexual orientation. Once you purchase the challenges you have two weeks to complete the adventure. Conviently a new challenge comes out every two weeks. Start improving your sex life, relationship, and fun today, by picking up this issue of Sexy Challenges.
Bored-in-the-Bedroom Married Couples - Sexy Challenges are for you! These sexy, fun, sacred and sensual scenarios will help you heat up your sex life while getting you to communicate again. If you follow Sexy Challenges' advice, you will reconnect with your sweetheart.
Desire is vital in a romantic relationship. Some married couples increase their desire by sharing a passion for stories of erotica, adult games or toys. Sexy Challenges help you stimulate your own erotic play! Whether the two of you are rolling on the floor laughing or tangled up in the sheets you will be creating powerful, playful, passion.
It's spiritual, playful, sexual counseling in a book.