Thursday, August 29, 2019

Getting Bored In Your Relationship

People often say that their relationship gets boring.  I find it so funny because they act like it is someone else responsibility to make their relationship exciting.  I mean who do they expect to make it better?   Their partner, their friends or do they just expect it to happen magically.  It is my opinion that if you are stating your relationship is boring, that it is your fault and your responsibility to make it not boring.  So stop wining, and start doing something to make the boredom go away.  

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

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