Thursday, July 6, 2017

Sexercise it Up!

There is really something sexy about getting fit.  Maybe it is the adrenaline pumping through your body, maybe it is the way your body is transforming, maybe it is the sweat that turns you on.  Whatever it is there is no doubt that exercise is sexy.  

Where does the line stop, however, obviously an injury can stop the sexy feel of exercise.  But can the obsession with exercise also be a libido killer?  When you are consumed by working out and getting fit your focus turns elsewhere and you might start to crave more iron pumping then bedroom pumping.  

It is important to have a balance in all we do.  So if you are skipping out on a date night to hit the gym or too tired for any physical loving, you might need to take a step back and slow down your training a little bit.  Find the balance and your love life will appreciate it.

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