Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Sexy Way To Plan For Emergencies

Many couples don't have a emergency fund set up and when those emergencies come up they find themselves dipping into their savings.  Many of us set up funds for vacations or holiday spending but very few of us set up funds for those emergencies.  So when the washing machine breaks down instead of going to the emergency fund we take it from our vacation or holiday funds.  Do yourself a favor and start an emergency fund today.  Even if your only putting a dollar a week into it, that will still be a dollar towards those emergencies that will come up from time to time.  

Want to attract more money into your life in a beautiful, sexy and exciting way? We share four different ways for you to do just that in this challenge. You can sexually charge your money and get it to work for you by sharing beautiful lovemaking with your sweetheart. It will attract more money to you and work more powerfully for you. Others will wonder how you do it. Money and opportunities will continually begin showing up for you and your lover.


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